
FREE Telehealth! Ask your Employer today!
  • Your Health
    General Practitioners & Specialists
    General practitioners and specialists will always be ready to
    assist you in a quick and timely manner, and you avoid the
    wait and cost of an office visit.
  • Medical Exams
    Exams and Lab Results
    General practioners and specialists can read and explain the
    results of your exam and lab results in the comfort of your home.
  • Pre-natal
    Questions during pregnancy?
    Our doctors can recommend a specialist to guide expectant
    parents offering practical advice and useful information.
General Practitioners

Access to general practitioners without leaving your home


Don't know what to do or where to turn for a medical emergency? Our doctors will provide competent triage and instruction.

Exam Interpretation

Our doctors can review your exam results with you in the comfort of your home.


Need a specialist? No referral necessary. Access to a specialist is just a phone call away.

Welcome toTELEDOCX

At TeledocX, we understand that wheather you or a family member needs a specialist or general practitioner, it is ALWAYS an emergency.

General Practitioners

State certified doctors trained to diagnose and treat telephonically.


From Dermatologists to Oncologists, our state certified doctors can refer you quickly... sometimes while on the same call.


Unlimited access to your doctor to discuss all the concerns and questions during your pregnancy.

Exam Review

Imagine being able to receive your exam results and to discuss them with your doctor almost immediately in the comfort of home.